quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011

Special Moments In The G-3A

                                          Snack time, yummy, yummy in my tummy...
                                          Building is figuring out how to put things together...
                                           Reading is always fun...
                                          Let's clean up the house...

                                          Sand castles and cakes
                                          "Hello, Ms. Munne!"
                                          "Do you want to try some, Ms. Munne?"
                                         "Come up here" 

Baa, Baa Black Sheep Math

                                          Humm, I think there are three...

                                          One, two, and....
                                          Glue the bags...

                                          Counting bags of wool
                                          Filling the bags with "wool" (little crepe balls)

                                                   ...stamping numbers 1,2 and 3 and tracing them

Baa Baa Black Sheep Have You Any Wool?

                                          The farmer is preparing to shear the sheep
                                          Shearing the sheep and filling the bags with wool
                                          This bag is still empty
                                         The sheep is waiting patienly
                                          Baa, baa white sheep have you any wool?
                                          Some bags are full others are empty
                                          I'm trying out the hat...
                                         Let's take everything out of the box
                                         I need some more
                                          Exploring the bags: are they empty or full?
                                          Still exploring with the bags...
                                          Is it full?
                                          This bag is very, very full....

quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011

Jack and Jill Filling the Bucket With Water

On Thursday, Aug.18, we had to do the activity inside the room because of the rain.
How many cups of water does it take to fill the pail?

Children experimented filling the pail with many different containers. They practiced counting as they filled the pail.

quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011

Circle Routine: Jack and Jill

In our circle we sing about the days of the week, we talk about the pattern on the calendar and we sing different Good Morning Songs; we also sing about feelings - How Are You Today, Please? On Wednesdays we have flannelboard songs and books with music. We have been singing about welcoming children to school and clean up time; we have also been singing Fiddle I Fee.

terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011