sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011

Fruit Salad

 We made fruit salad on Friday Oct. 14th.
 First, we cut the up all the fruit.
 Then we put it in a bowl.
 And mixed it all up!!
Some children ate the fruit salad.
We collected the seeds so that we can examine them next week.

Seeds, Seeds, Seeds

 We examined many different seeds.
We can see the seeds very well with the magnifying tubes.
 We colored the seeds in the worksheet.
 Some seeds are big, and others are small.
 Some of us used one color, others used many colors to color the seeds.
 We all concentrated on our work!
This is a big seed!

More Experiments: How Does the Plant Drink Water?

 We wanted to see how the plant drinks water, so we put blue food dye in the water and waited to see what happened.  The tip of the yellow flowers turned blue/green; it worked!!!
We couldn't see any changes in the red flowers!

What Does a Plant Need to Grow?

 On Monday, October 10th, we talked about what plants need to grow.  We did an experiment: we put some beans in cotton; one got sun and no water, one got water, but no sun and the last one got both sun and water.  Throughout the week we observed what was happening to the beans!
 On Monday, we also did a collage with seeds.  We put some soil,
 glued the sun and some seeds,
 and drew the rain.
 On Friday, October 14th, we examined the plants again.
 Some grew and others didn't.
 One had a funny color, it was not green, but yellow.
 The green one grew a lot!
 Pass it on, please!
 Plants need water and sun to grow, so the one that got both, grew!
 The seeds that got sun, but no water, did not grow.
The seed that got water, but no sun grew, it had a funny yellowish color.
The beans we planted last week grew and grew and grew!