sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

Big, Medium and Little Sorting

                                          We sorted objects according to size: big, medium, little
                                                    Everybody got his/her turn
                                                    Papa Bear likes big things...
                                                    Mama Bear likes medium things...
                                                    Baby Bear likes little things...
                                          We took turns role playing Papa, Mama and Baby Bear...
                                          Our friends gave us the objects we like...
                                                    Big for Papa Bear...
                                                    Medium for Mama Bear...
                                                    Little for Baby Bear...

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

Independence Day

     We talked about the shapes on the flag and assembled all the parts, all by ourselves!
                                          We just started!
                                          Ours are done!

                                          Finished, Ms. Munne
                                          We also drew in our Journals.
                                          How concentrated...I'm still thinking about what to draw...
We also mixed blue and yellow to make green...

Making Pies For the Little Kittens

                                          Press the dough,
                                          Fold the sides to make the pie
                                          Fill it up


Yupie Free Play!!

                                                    We can dress up...

                                          We build roads and train tracks...
                                          Take the car to the gas station...
                                          Play with the animals...

                                         Play with the castle, put the animal words together...
                                          Where do I get out?
                                         The prince is following the princesses...
                                         I'm playing with my flashlight!
                                          Folowing the leader...
                                                    I brought my Shrek today...
What will I draw today?
Does it fit here?
                                          The dolly is sick!